Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I've been hearing rumors and seeing little signs that it's coming. First leggings came back, not necessarily a bad thing, but as I feared, they brought some of their less attractive friends. Shoulder pads starting showing up, then the neon colors, and now this:

Yep, those are snakeskin leggings, shiny, neon yellow snakeskin leggings. Confirmation. I have seen the fourth horseman of the Apocalypse. It's true - 80's fashion is back.

But, I'm on to you, 80's fashion. You suckered me in the last time, but I have the pictures. They expose your lies. They show the truth. You are not good. You are bad, very, very bad. And you will not trick me again.


Bossy Betty said...

Noooooooooo! Please tell me this was in a thrift shop! (I donated them about 10 years ago!)

KB said...

Betty, I wish I had been in a thrift shop, but no that was Macy's.

Anonymous said...

It's the fault of teenagers everywhere. We have tried to tell them that 80's clothes were awful yet they don't listen. And someday, I will have a picture of that sort of outfit on the teenager and I'm going to show her just how cool she was too! :D

Dainty Musings said...

Post a pic, KB! You rocked the 80s!

Trix in the Stix said...

Yes you did... big hair and all! I'm with Heather... WE WANT PICTURES!! ;O)

KB said...

Hell no! I'm not publically embarrasing myself with those photos.