Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Young Adult

First movie of 2012 - Young Adult.  While it was okay, I wish my first movie of the year was...I don't know better somehow?

It was okay, maybe even good, I just can't get all that excited about it.  Charlize Theron was very good as Mavis, the small town girl turned "big city" success.  (actually "success" should be in quotes too).  There's just not very much to like about Mavis as we watch her return to her home town and reclaim her high school boyfriend and "free him" from his wife and new baby. There were some laughs as Mavis unraveled and went from selfish and sad to amoral, selfish and completely pathetic, but I'm not sure I'd call it a comedy.  I will cop to some embarrassingly loud guffaws, but they came at the expense of the Kardashians during one of the previews.

It's worth a rental, but not necessarily a trip to the theater.


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